Sunday, August 07, 2005

New Post/Thread Notification: Credit repair discussions


chasestinks has just posted in the Credit repair discussions forum of CreditWrench under the title of Chase Visa extorted thousands out of my pocket!.

This thread is located at

Here is the message that has just been posted:
Having been a satisfied customer with “Bank One” since 1987 with a reasonable 7.6% APR on a $25,000 limit platinum visa card, my story begins...

Before the days of modern computer wizardry, there was a little piece of paper most people generally would keep in their wallet or pocketbook commonly known as the check. I now digress….

In earlier years, you have always heard stories of your parents or their parents in communities or neighbourhoods that routinely paid their tab on a weekly basis at local grocery stores, hardware stores, pharmacy’s, general supply stores and so on. Those days are over.

“In the good old days” local merchants would most likely understand if in hard times you were a “day late and a dollar short”. Just to have your business, store owners would bend over backwards to please “you” the customer. Lost to antiquity.

Times have changed, and so has the way we do business. Credit card companies will extend credit to virtually anyone, regardless of household income, no credit, low credit score or bankruptcy. It simply does not matter, as long as they can get their hands into your pockets, and once they do, they never take them out. I now regress...

Like most computer age savvy people, we are jubilant over the fact we can pay all of our bills on time with just a few clicks of our mouse. The only problem is, the credit card lenders that once waited literally days for a personal check to clear by conventional means, demand nearly impossible deadlines to receive their payment.

Here is how Chase Visa extorted thousands out of my pocket. With a low APR, I consolidated my entire credit card debt load to my “Bank One” card. Bank One was then purchased by Chase. I was seventeen years without a delinquent payment to Bank One the original lender. One month and “ONE” late payment later, I was hit with a $35.00 late fee and a ridiculous APR hike of 9.9%, to increase my now "new" APR with Chase to 26.9%. This is insane!

In my humble opinion, Chase Bank, is in violation of the RICO act should be investigated by the Federal Government for racketeering. I paid Chase Bank the old fashion way, I wrote them a check for $20,058.26 and closed forever my dealings with Chase Bank, and recommend everyone else do the same. (