Tuesday, July 26, 2005

New Post/Thread Notification: CreditWrench


mikejm has just posted in the CreditWrench forum of CreditWrench under the title of I have proof that I paid! What do I do now?.

This thread is located at http://www.creditwrench.com/consumers/showthread.php?threadid=720

Here is the message that has just been posted:
These guys are buzzards but you will not know until you try if they refuse to work with you go then to validation and proceed from there hoping to catch them on DCPA violations and then takem' to court. Of course this will cost them and you a lot more then $20.00 in time alone..
However I had a very similure situation with Airbourne during their transition to DHL took me 6 plus months to fix and I had paid the bill in full and was able to prove it. had paid with debit card and the bank records we readily available,,anyway it maybe worth a call to FedEx and talking to them they DO have the power to call the CA off..I delt with DHL and even then it got sent to a CA (after DHL told me not to worry they were fixing it) and I told them the CA to go ahead and sue me for the $45.00 in fact I begged them to sue me for the amount which had risen to $150.00 as I could not wait to get them in court show the judge I paid this 6+ months ago get the case dropped and turn around and sue them and DHL for filing a frivolus lawsuit and naming DHL as co-defendant..could not get them to do it though they somehow got religion.... I again called DHL told them the story and said I would name them in the suit..the problem has gone away and no reprecusions.