Friday, August 12, 2005

Credit repair discussions

This discussion is located here

Yes, they often do want that information and it does pose some problems.

Here is how I recommend providing them with that info with the least amount of mailing costs and exposure risks involved.

Go to a copy shop and get a clean sheet of paper, maybe even out of the waste basket. Then fold it in half and crease it then fold it in half again. That will effectively divide the sheet into 4 parts without leaving any marks that will show up on the copier.

Next place your driver's license and SS card in the middle of the upper left hand quadrant as measured by the blank sheet you have doubled up. Use that as an actual backing. Since you will be putting the DL and SS card face down on the copier you can move them around a bit after they are under the paper.

Next set the copier for a 200% blowup and the lightest possible contrast.

Then shoot some copies so you have enough for future use too.

You will immediately see that the cards will be centered in the middle of the resultant 81/2 by 11 copies coming out of the machine.

The copies are easy to read and will save a sheet of paper in your mailing envelope.

Also go see your attorney and have him prepare a letter on his stationary stating where you live and how long you have lived there. Have him notarize it and then get some copies of that. Doing that eliminates the need for copies of all your utility bills, credit card statements and what have you that you might otherwise send them. No personal information is revealed using the letter from an attorney method. They want to argue about that let them call up your attorney and argue with him about that.
