Tuesday, August 02, 2005

New Post/Thread Notification: Bankruptcy forum


Creditwrench has just posted in the Bankruptcy forum forum of CreditWrench under the title of Strange Question-Strange Circumstances.

This thread is located at http://www.creditwrench.com/consumers/showthread.php?threadid=729

Here is the message that has just been posted:
Does anyone know the answer to this one? Background info.: I was recently discharged from Ch7 but, the trustee still wants me to either pay $ 5000. within one year for a car that is registered to me in FL (but, has a lien on it and in which I have no equity) OR I need to turn over the car immediately per court orders. Question: Rather than me giving up a car which does not belong to me (my mother loaned me the 5G to buy it, for her use, she's 88 & I'm the chauffeur) can I tell the court I want to CANCEL the bankruptcy (even though it has been finalized) . After all, had I known they were going to take the car at the getgo, I would not have filed. I thought the car was "safe" because of the lien and since I had no equity in it.
I don't know anything about BK to start off with but it seems to me that you should have registered the car in your mother's name instead of your name. Of course, hindsight don't help you now.

I'd say you need to talk to your bk attorney about this and maybe also the lender and tell them what is going on so they can step in if possible. Seems to me they would have something to say about all of this, and especially so if it might mean that you would have to file bk on them too.